Auditing - Corporates, Firms and Banks


We provide auditing services to clients from both the Banking & Non-Banking Sector. Our specialised personnel, after evaluation of the clients business, and due deliberation over the terms of engagement also provides customised services like investigation audits, cost audits, compliance audits etc.

Bank Audit

We have a rich and varied experience in the arena of Bank Audits. Banks form a multifaceted entity in the numerous diverse audit areas they offer :

Statutory Audit : (BRANCH/CENTRAL)

Wherein, we, as auditors offer our opinion on the truth & fairness of financial statements.

Consurrent Audit

Is fast emerging as an indispensible management tool.

Stock Audit

These assignments radically require us to conduct as thorough investigation of the adequacy of stock and book debts hypothecated to banks, vis-à-vis the credit limits enjoyed by the party.

Revenue Audit

Is yet another type of audit which involve a scrutiny of the revenue earned by banks in the form of interest, bank charges, penal interest etc. We are usually required to ascertain that all areas that could possibly yield revenue have been covered and that incomes accrued have received the appropriate accounting treatment.

Management Audit

In the context of contemporary banking, management audits have undergone a paradigm shift with the focus now increasingly on 'risk management'/ risk based audit'.

In the area of Bank Audit, the firm/partners has a distinct experience which can be very well established from the fact that the firm has been instrumental in detecting various frauds in Dena Bank and other Banks, amounting to about Rs. 55 Million and have also detected and got rectified revenue leakage amounting to about Rs. 300 Million.

Thus, in the multifarous arena of auditing, our firm armed with dedicated personnel, under the guidance of veterans in this field, work single mindedly to ensure value addition to the clients business.