Management Audit, SOX Audit & US GAAP Audit


In the area of Management Audit, an independent appraisal activity for review and control of organisational functions is being carried out so as to ensure compliance with the organisational objectives, policies, procedures, management methods and performances.

Basel II being finalised by the BIS aligns regulatory capital measures with the inherent risk profile of a bank considering credit, market, operational and other risks. Hence, in the context of contemporary banking, management audits have undergone a paradigm shift with the focus now increasingly on 'risk management'. We at our end, take the following steps for implementing risk management :

  • Study the existing process organisation and identify those risks that are material and put emphasis on bank's own internal risk management methodologies, supervisory review and market discipline.
  • Classify the risks according to their criticality.
  • Set up systems and controls for monitoring and reporting to the management, focusing on all the operational components of bank/s.

Our firm is well versed with the SOX Testing/Audit and US GAAP Audit and has undertaken quite a few assignments in compilation/audit of data as per US GAAP and also has the experience of SOX Testing/Audit for quite a few leading Companies having their presence/prominence in the sectors of Telecom, Insurance, Banks, Stocks & Securities etc.